Roughly 70% of Applicants from Five Schools
Out of 102 applications, 69 came from the following five schools: Minjok (20), Daewon (17), Seoul Science (13), Hanyoung (10), and Seoul International (9). Only three other schools had multiple applicants: Taejeon Christian (6), Seoul Foreign (2), and Incheon Science (2). Twenty-three (23) other schools contributed a single application, so a total of thirty-one (31) schools submitted applications.
One important note: Last year, only two (2) students from Seoul Foreign School applied to Princeton, both RD. One declined an interview because he was accepted ED at Columbia. The other was admitted and matriculated, Ery Shin '08. So, as you can see, we cannot base our recruiting efforts on raw application numbers.
One important note: Last year, only two (2) students from Seoul Foreign School applied to Princeton, both RD. One declined an interview because he was accepted ED at Columbia. The other was admitted and matriculated, Ery Shin '08. So, as you can see, we cannot base our recruiting efforts on raw application numbers.